Game created for Trijam #276, and wasn't quite finished.... unless? (will update after after jam)

Welcome newHire.getName() to Noth Inc.

Here at our esteemed company, we have one, simple goal: cull the population's IQ.

How do we do it? With our patent-pending Brain Drain Terminal, you can control a subject's computer and rot their brain! The terminal gives you various options to do so, such as:

  • Deploy a TikTok - while the the video is playing, a subject's IQ drops every second! (as of 2022, typical attention spans now only allow this work for 5 seconds before a new video must be played)
  • Hit them with something - giving the subject a light bonk on the head is sure to decrease their IQ
  • Generate a nasty AI image and push it to Facebook - though this uses all our processing power at Noth Inc., other things may not work when generating... (results may vary)
  • Send cat memes - by holding the Cat Meme Button down for 3 seconds, send them funny cat!
  • Open Reddit - increase the flow of time, but the subject's IQ will drop twice as fast
  • Closing ads - while ads do decrease IQ when open, the subject may gain IQ by closing it
  • Get catfished - find the subject a date, and hopefully get catfished to decrease their IQ
  • Closing Twitter X - the subject could be gaining or losing IQ when browsing, so make sure to close it when their getting smarter
  • Start the next dream video - does NOTHING!

Art: Forots

Coding: goobst and Sam

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